Community Living Wallaceburg (CLW) is pleased to announce the ratification of new three year Collective Agreement between Local 150, OPSEU and Community Living Wallaceburg (January 1/2022 to December 31/2024.)

The new collective agreement, which received a majority vote by union members, impacts 188 frontline employees who provide direct support to people with developmental disabilities who are affiliated with CLW.

Deborah Hook, Executive Director of Community Living Wallaceburg, was pleased that the members of the Local recognized the collaboration and positive work accomplished by both parties, which resulted in a good deal for the Union and for the Employer. She also noted that a 3-year agreement brings stability to labour relations and creates the opportunity for all workers and management to re-engage after the strict measures of isolation and distancing during the pandemic.

“This new Collective Agreement recognizes the important work done by our Direct Support Professionals. It improves the working conditions of our employees and addresses the rising cost of living with the salary increases,” stated Ben Hazzard, President of Community Living Wallaceburg.

For more information, please contact:

Deborah Hook
Executive Director
Community Living Wallaceburg
Phone: 519-627-0777 ext. 2555

Patricia Peters
Supervisor, Fund Development & Communications
Community Living Wallaceburg
Phone: 519-627-0777 ext. 2209

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