Who We Are

Established in 1956, Community Living Wallaceburg has a rich history of community building activities. Governed by a skilled and dedicated Board of Directors, Community Living Wallaceburg and its staff teams are committed to strategic actions that enable children, youth and adults who have an intellectual disability to share equally in all elements of community life. While our roots are in Wallaceburg, we are engaged with communities across Chatham-Kent.

Our Purpose

We co-create, design and deliver supports that empower people to overcome barriers and live the life they choose.

Our Vision

With the support of those around them, people can dream, believe, overcome, and achieve.

Our Values

Person Directed

We encourage people to dream, and to direct their path forward


We believe in, are respectful of, and support each other’s dreams and goals

Adaptable & Innovative

We overcome obstacles by being adaptable & innovative

Focused on Quality

We achieve results when we focus on quality

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