
“I’ve spent my whole life involved with people who have disabilities and those who care for them. My sister has been supported by Community Living Wallaceburg for as long as I can remember. While at the Pines, I did my co-op placement with the Life Skills class and realized I wanted to do something that would impact people like my sister. I started working with CLW ten years ago, and I am passionate about working with the younger guys. I feel like they can relate to me and that there are things I can show them.

I started as the volunteer coach of the Wallaceburg Wolves seven years ago. Back then it was more of a competitive team, training for the Special Olympics. I wanted to see a team that anyone could join, regardless of their ability. The team has grown, our supporters have grown, and now the team is something the community is proud of. For me, it’s not just about coaching baseball. It’s about helping everyone achieve goals. The goal for one player might be to just hold the bat with two hands at some point in the season. For others, it’s learning how to swing the bat. If I can help them realize a goal, then my job as a coach is complete, regardless if they actually hit the ball.

My main reason that I keep coming back to coach the team every year is actually quite selfish. I love to see the look on a parent’s face the first time their son or daughter goes up to bat. Or the look on a player’s face the first time they hit the ball. Each player has so much pride in themselves by the end of the season. This team is supportive of each other and helps each other out-something you don’t see with other teams. I asked one player last week why he likes coming to baseball and he told me he comes back because he likes having fun and making friends. You can’t beat that.

My goal is to still be coaching this team 25 years from now. I want to be coaching for so long that they have no choice but to induct me into the Wallaceburg Sports Hall of Fame. And even then, I’ll still be out coaching the team every week.”

-Aaron Vandorsselarr, Community Support Worker and Wallaceburg Wolves Baseball Coach

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