Community Living Wallaceburg has reached the end of its initial timeframe for its 2020-2024 Strategic Plan. While the early years of this Strategic Plan were heavily impacted by the effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic, we are excited to share a brief overview of the hard work and accomplishments we’ve attained under each of our 6 strategic pillars.
- CLW will have Responsive and Personalized Pathways which ensure that our support is driven by the needs of the people we support and our community at large.
- Implemented an annualized goal feedback and survey process for people in service.
- Developed digital goal tracking process for the Agency to monitor as a performance metric.
- Created series of recreational opportunities open to the broader community.
- CLW will focus on the Greater Integration of Technology in both its support operations as well as its business functions.
- CLW has transitioned to a new Human Resources Information System (HRIS)/scheduling system with increased functionality and more direct user input for our DSP’s.
- CLW is in the process of transitioning to Office 365 which will allow for the effective and safe sharing of critical information and improved communication.
- CLW has implemented a revised cyber security system due to increasingly sophisticated digital threat environment.
- CLW will focus on having an Engaged Team and Supportive Workplace to ensure its success.
- Conducted a wide ranging staff engagement survey with action items.
- Redefined its Social Wellness committee with expanded scope of participants and functions.
- CLW will offer Better Connected and Integrated Support through increased collaboration with other providers.
- Became partner member of Chatham-Kent Ontario Health Team (CKOHT) to provide perspective of those with Developmental Disabilities to local Health Sector.
- Partnered with Mobile Care Community Health Outreach bus to offer primary care services and mental health support to underserved persons in our community.
- Actively seeking partnership opportunities to create affordable housing opportunities for those who are precariously housed.
- We will Focus on Excellence and Innovation to ensure we are able to offer the highest quality of support possible.
- Renewed focus on staff training and professional development post-pandemic with emphasis on:
- Advanced Behaviour Training (ABT) and Enhanced Specialized Services (ESS)
- Mental Health First Aid training
- Fetal Alcohol spectrum Disorder
- We continue to focus on identifying training opportunities for pressing issues like homelessness and addictions.
- CLW will pursue a Transformed Business Model with an emphasis on public awareness and diversifying revenue to ensure the Agency remains viable for the future.
- Renewed public awareness strategy for Community Living Month
- Increased focus on creation of fee-for-service support opportunities
- Diversified fundraising opportunities with refreshed cause based focus.
This Strategic Plan was developed with a particular lens to the anticipated changes that will come with the Provinces “Journey to Belonging” program and we recognize that these 6 pillars remain as relevant today as they did four years ago. With that in mind we are excited to share that the Board of Directors voted to extend our current strategic plan for an additional two years meaning that it will remain in place until April 2026! We look forward to continuing to share our progress.