Deafblind Awareness Month
The Month of June
In honour of Deafblind Awareness Month, agencies that support people who are deafblind are uniting for a global initiative this June 2023 called, yarn bombing. Yarn bombing (sometimes known as ‘knitfiti’) is a form of street art where yarn that is knitted, crocheted, or wrapped, decorates an object in a public space to build awareness about deafblind disabilities on a global scale in a fun and captivating way.
Deafblindness is a disability arising from a dual sensory impairment of hearing and sight, affecting the person’s ability to communicate, access information and get around. This makes the use of tactile sign language a primary source of communication for the person who is deafblind.
Why Yarn Bombing
Global yarn bombing is an exciting, fun, and creative way to engage members of the deafblind community in a largescale tactile art project. Each installation around the world will be constructed by people with deafblindness, their families and loved ones, advocates, Interpreter-guides, direct support workers and others in the field.
Each knit or crochet square will be attached to cover a designated community space or object. This symbolizes the coming together of people in the field of deafblindness.
By coming together in June to yarn bomb objects in various cities and countries, we foster connections and unite our community. Our goal is to increase awareness and knowledge of deafblindness as a unique disability and to advocate for the services that are available for people who are deafblind.
Why Yarn Bombing
Global yarn bombing is an exciting, fun, and creative way to engage members of the deafblind community in a largescale tactile art project. Each installation around the world will be constructed by people with deafblindness, their families and loved ones, advocates, Interpreter-guides, direct support workers and others in the field.
Each knit or crochet square will be attached to cover a designated community space or object. This symbolizes the coming together of people in the field of deafblindness.
By coming together in June to yarn bomb objects in various cities and countries, we foster connections and unite our community. Our goal is to increase awareness and knowledge of deafblindness as a unique disability and to advocate for the services that are available for people who are deafblind.
Spotted in Wallaceburg
In support of Deafblind Awareness, several locations in our community have been bombed with yarn! Be on the lookout during your next outing, and see if you can spot some of them.

Our Partners
Community Living Wallaceburg is proud to work in collaboration with the following organizations for Deafblind Awareness Month. To learn more about Deafblind Awareness Month and yarn bombing please visit their websites below.

Deafblind International:
Deafblind International is an international not-for-profit membership organization focused on the needs of individuals who are deafblind, their families and the professionals who provide services.
Deafblind International:
Deafblind International is an international not-for-profit membership organization focused on the needs of individuals who are deafblind, their families and the professionals who provide services.

Sensity: Deafblind & Sensory Support Network of Canada:
Sensity is a member of the Deafblind Network of Ontario and Deafblind International. Sensity provides a broad spectrum of flexible programs and services for each segment of the population including individuals who are deafblind, families, children, adults, other agencies that work with the deafblind community and the general public.