A Snoezelen Room is a specialized multi-sensory environment for all ages and abilities, offering a relaxed atmosphere with comfortable surroundings, soothing sounds, captivating aromas, interesting light effects, tactile experiences, massage and vibration, vibrosonic sensations, and gentle movement. People can self-regulate, making their own choices and sensations to stimulate, relax, calm, or energize. It can aid learning and development, and improve quality of life.
“In the Snoezelen Room I like to sing, dance and listen to music. The room makes me feel happy and calm and gives me a sense of control. I choose what I want to do.” says Kyle, a person supported by Community Living Wallaceburg who participates in daily Snoezelen sessions in Wallaceburg.
The renewal and community expansion of Community Living Wallaceburg’s Snoezelen multi-sensory space will allow more people across our region to benefit from this unique resource.
“We want to make our Snoezelen space more available to our community. We want to see this multi-sensory environment used by people living with dementia or a brain injury, children and young adults with attention-deficit or hyperactivity disorder, patients and staff in hospitals and care facilities, members of our first-responders community, and even people working in corporate environments,” says Deborah Hook, Executive Director of Community Living Wallaceburg.
Community Living Wallaceburg needs your help!
Community Living Wallaceburg is asking for the support from community members and corporate sponsors to help improve and expand the Snoezelen multi-sensory space. Donations will directly impact children, young people, and adults across Chatham-Kent and Sarnia-Lambton, as they enjoy this extraordinary experience with positive results.
Become a Snoezelen champion today and make a charitable donation online: https://www.canadahelps.org/en/dn/5849

Community Living Wallaceburg’s Snoezelen Room equipment before renovations.