Tim, Laurel and Lisa’s Story

CLW Literacy Group



“We meet every Monday to work on our skills, like math and reading. We were talking with our workers Julie and Ruth about how it’s hard to know what activities are happening. We decided we would find out what activities and events are going on the community and share it with others.

We went to library, read newspapers and went around Walpole Island to find out information on all kinds of activities in Wallaceburg, Walpole Island, Chatham and area. Lisa likes art and crafts so she looked for things like that. Laurel really likes music so she found music events. Tim likes to help with fundraisers so he found those. Now we have a big calendar of events that everyone can use to plan events and have fun!

We use our number and writing skills too by looking at dates and writing out what events are on what dates. We plan to update this board every month so others know what is going on. Sometimes its hard for people with disabilities to know what they can do and what they can afford and we hope this helps everyone.”

-CLW Literacy Group, Tim George, Lisa Sampson and Laurel Sampson.

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