by Shelby Johnston | Dec 31, 2021 | Everyday News
To the Family and Friends of Community Living Wallaceburg, The COVID-19 risk is changing very quickly around us and case numbers are at levels we’ve not seen before. Because of the dramatic increase in community risk we will be implementing a two week pause to on and...
by Shelby Johnston | Nov 23, 2021 | Everyday News
Community Living Wallaceburg (CLW) is pleased to announce that Hazzard Wealth Management – RBC Dominion Securities has made a generous donation of $2000.00 in support of our Agency’s campaign to renew and refresh the Snoezelen Sensory Room. A Snoezelen Room is a...
by Shelby Johnston | Nov 17, 2021 | Featured News
Wallaceburg ON – Community Living Wallaceburg (CLW) is launching a new fundraising campaign to renew and refresh the Agency’s Snoezelen Room and create a community resource. A Snoezelen Room is a specialized multi-sensory environment for all ages and abilities,... by Shelby Johnston | Oct 25, 2021 | Uncategorized
The nominating committee of the Board of Directors puts forth the recommendation as follows: For re-election for a 3 year term: Ben Hazzard Chris Taylor Marcia Peters For election for a 3 year term: Ken O’Neil For further information, please contact Lauren Freeburn at...
by Shelby Johnston | Oct 5, 2021 | Blog
Cindy is a true example of dedication and perseverance as she celebrates her one-year anniversary at Select Finishing as a Janitorial and Sanitation employee. Select Finishing, a family owned and operated business in Wallaceburg, Ontario provides e-coating, powder...